Thursday, January 14, 2010

The BIG meetup!

As I alluded to in my Facebook status, Gillian and I are traveling to NYC next weekend to meet her sperm donor. Never in a million years would I have ever thought that we would even know who he is, let alone have the chance to meet him!

It all started when I contacted the Sperm Bank last year when she was so sick and wanting more medical infomation on her donor. They said that he actually wanted to be known to any of his off spring should they want to meet him. Lots of talks led to me sending a release to the Bank and then we got his name, e-mail address and we contacted him. I felt him out and thought he sounded like a nice guy. Has some books he's written, big time into holistic health and has traveled extensively regarding this issue. Also is a psychotherapist and acupuncturist. Since Gillian is going to be 18 this year, I gave her his e-mail address so that they could have whatever conversation they wanted. A few months ago we decided that we would meet. It's just going to be Gillian and I, as Cheryl is staying home with Katie. Don't need to confuse the 6 year old, who incidentally has a different donor than she does.

So, his name as you might know from Gillian's status, is Mitchell and we are taking the train to NYC next weekend to meet him. We are actually staying with him since it's so expensive to stay in Manhattan. I am nervous, excited and just wondering who this person is that is the other half of my daughter's genetics.....


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