Monday, May 22, 2006

OK..enough of that!

Pity party is over!

And life continues to go on...I guess it's funny that way eh? Nothing much going on around here. Had a busy weekend. One of the things we did was go out to my sister's house for my niece's birthday party and 2 of my sister's friends were there. One is pregnant with triplets and one is pregnant with twins. I actually felt a twinge watching the triplet's rolling around in their mother's tummy. Now, don't get me wrong, I surely don't want triplets, but I felt a little twinge of never having another baby. I won't ever feel another baby kick and roll around inside of me. I won't ever give birth to another baby and I won't ever nurse another baby. Honestly, in my head, I am OK with all of those things. I wasn't exactly the most pleasant pregnant person to be around. Cheryl will attest to that. I did think it was cool when I was about 6-7 months pregnant....feeling Katie (and Gillian too) kick around in there. When I was 9 months pregnant it was enough already! It's funny, with Gillian, I never remember being uncomfortable. Probably because she never dropped into my pelvis. But I was 2 weeks overdue with Gillian and went 2 weeks early with Katie (a whole month more pregnant with Gillian!) and I remember begging the MD to deliver Katie because the pain in my pelvis was so intense. Her head was wedged right down there! I had 2 completely different pregnacies, deliveries and breast feeding experiences with these 2.

Gillian nursed till 18 months but was also bottle fed breast milk that I pumped since I went back to work when she was 8 weeks old. Katie was completely breast fed (since she refused a bottle). Katie weaned (with a little encouragement from me) at 27 months.

Now that I think about it, it makes sense. Katie has been sleeping in her own bed now for a little over a month. I miss her there - not the kicking, hitting and cover stealing. I guess it's the baby I miss. Also, we sold her stroller, carseat and swing this weekend. My baby is no more. She is the most independent child I have ever met. I adore her. I adore both of my children. But, I will always remember their babyhoods. Fondly.

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