Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 in review....

Well, this has been a roller coaster year. It's really easy to remember the stuff that just happened, but harder yet to forget the stuff that happened a while ago. So, here I go. This year, Katie turned 6 in February. She started first grade in September and is still going strong. We made it through another year without my grandfather only to relive the pain of death when my great Aunt Lottie died. Another blow to the family tree. We started the year off with Gillian having an Ostomy and ended it with her having a JPouch, not the mention the 2 surgeries that she went through to get there. She went to Youth Rally in Colorodo in July. The first time I have really been away from her that distance! It was a learning experience for both of us. While she was away, we took Katie to Lancaster PA and did some little kiddy things that Gillian wouldn't be interested in. It was a HUGE wakeup call for me that I have precious time left with my oldest daughter as an adolescent and not an adult. Gillian turned 17 in August and got her license this year. She is driving. In the fall, our good friend Pam died tragically, leaving a gaping hole in our lives. But we gained a great friend in return. Thank you Jackie for coming into our lives. Soon after Pam's death, Gillian and I went to Smith College in MA for an interview. While we were gone, Katie and Cheryl flew to NJ to see Miley Cirus in concert. the year over yet? Nope, on Thanksgiving, right before dinner was served, I received a text message from my good friend Noa, who lives in Israel that our beloved friend Susan E, died that morning. She was at the top of the transplant list but just couldn't hold out. Shock waves ran through my Queer Mom's list as we realized that we've yet lost another sister. After the shock of losing someone so significant, I am happy to say that my friend (and ex) Val and her husband gave birth to a beautiful baby girl in December. Sophia enters a world full of wonder and grace. Welcome Sophia Lynn! I still love buying beautiful clothes for Katie (and would for Gillian too if she'd let me) and I am still quilting and creating. It's hard for me to stand and cut out squares and then sit and quilt them so it's very slow going. I am doing a project with Katie's class where they were learning geometry through quilt shapes. So, I cut out muslin squares, sent them to school and received them back, all colored and cute. I need to send in some fabric samples to school for them to vote on borders and backing and then I will put it together. My goal this year is to get that done, finish Katie's, Gillian's, and the Halloween/fall quilt that I made. I have some patterns to make Katie some dresses and skirts too, so we shall see what comes out of all that!

The year seperates out here for me in religion. I made peace at church with my minister over her inability to ordain me as an elder. I was ordained, but not by her. Our Minister of Music left her position, but has been back with her husband during certain times. Soon after that, the Director of Children's Ministry resigned and with that another decision fork. Do I leave and find another church or stay? One Sunday of looking around the Sanctuary left me without any doubt that it would be impossible to leave the many good friends that I have made. I joined a newly formed group this year, Sacred Circle, and it has been life transforming for me. My sisters in Christ have been pushing me (gently) to places that I have been really afraid to go. And it's so liberating. I am still planning to go to Seminary or at least take religion courses at SU, but I need to get Gillian settled first.

And my relationship Cheryl. There were many times that I thought I would be on here blogging that we were done, over, caput. But we've made it through another hard time and are in such a good place. My getting Social Security has taken so much pressure off our relationship that we have been able to get past some of our anger about money and really work on area's that strengthen our relationships. Does that mean that I think everything will be hunky dory, nope, but it feels better than it ever has.

So, 2009 didn't suck or stink for me this year. There were sucky times that stunk, but when you look at it more good than bad happened this year. Actually, life happened this year.

Here's to 2010!


Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Oh man, I have been watching the Travel Channel all day and they are talking about cruising! The one I am watching now is exclusive to the wealthy, where they have their own apartment's on the ship and just travel from port to port. We watched the Disney Cruise one but I could feel Katie's blood pressure go up just seeing the characters on the TV. I really wish I could understand her fear of dressed up people! I really want to take her to Disney World, like we took Gillian when she was 9! We did the 4 day land 3 day sea package and it was awesome. I guess I will have to settle for my week in FL. That's if I can get Cheryl to call her sister to make sure we can come down that week. It will be nice to be somewhere warm. Last night I told Cheryl that I couldn't conceivably stay here in the NE much longer. The cold is too cold and the snow too much. I need more moderate temperatures. I could totally see living on Key West. Yes, I know I said Moderate...but one can dream!

OK, I have to turn this channel off. I really want to go on a cruise. Or at least somewhere warm!


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Good friends....

Are the best. Since Blogger just ate my last post....we had a great time with Kathleen and family tonight. I miss listening to her preach, but am so glad that we have remained friends. Our kids played nicely together and we had some great food and conversation. It reminds me that we don't do this often enough with our other friends.

On a sad note, we received word today that our good friends Vince and Jack and their daughter Mona lost their Mother/MIL/grandmother yesterday. Please keep them in your prayers. We will be attendng calling hours tomorrow night.

Now, I am so tired. I am off to get into bed and read and go to sleep!


Monday, December 28, 2009


I have been reading back through the old blogs that I have written and gee, what a sad sack I have been! Depression sure is the theme. I am hoping to change that this year. Gillian will be heading off to college in August, so there will probably be a lot of posts from me about college stuff. She applied to 7 different schools, so I imagine after the new year, we will start getting acceptence letters. Then Cheryl and I will be sitting down and trying to figure out with her what school she can afford. We are hoping that with her grades and learning disabilities that she gets some scholarships. But with everything where there is a will, there is a way.

The best news, and I don't think I updated anyone is that I finally got SSD! WHOOO HOOOO! The judge was a dick and only said for 2 years, but I finally got it. And the retro money was just enough to pay off enough of our bills that we can finally get the bill collectors to stop calling. We still have a lot to pay off, we weren't able to get a van, but hey, we have enough each month now to pay the bills, get groceries and not have to hold our breath that something major was going to happen. Of course, I wanted to take the money and go on a nice trip. But thankfully Cheryl convinced me it was better to pay the bills! LOL! So, we are living life instead of holding our breath. We can actually give back for once, after all the getting we received. The other day, I was in McDonalds and they were doing a fun raiser for a local Ronald McDonald's house. They asked someone to step up and donate $100 and I did. It felt soooo good. Now, when someone else is in need, I can give to them. Let me tell you, giving never felt so good. Now I can understand why folks gave to us when we were so desperate! It feels good to help. And the Regent that someone bought us a couple of years ago was gifted to someone who needed a safe car seat.

So, there you have it! Life is getting better and better. I am still considering Seminary, but for now am looking into auditing courses at SU in Religion to see if I can do it. But God is calling me to do His work. And where He calls....I go!

Happy 2009! And here is to a great 2010!


Cook or be cooked....

Kate got this game for the Wii and it's HARD. We can't even fry the damn eggs or get the bacon the right temp. Heck, we can't even turn the friggen stove off and on. This is going to be a great game for Katie because she'll be able to figure it out eventually and then be off to cooking school. She also got Cooking Mama for her DSi and Diner Dash which she loves. An Easy Bake we see a theme here? LOL! Gillian got her new computer and SIMS 3 which keeps her glued to the screen for a long time. At least until I offer to duel with her with the Nerf Wii! LOL

We had the greatest time last night playing Wii Resort. (I feel like I am becoming a commercial for electronics here) They have a sword game and I beat the tar out of the other jouster....hey, did I already post this yesterday? I feel like I am repeating myself. Must be because I haven't done anything yet today except take Katie to her friends house. But, let the games begin! Wii Nerf here I come...if I can get Gillian away from SIMS 3. I guess I will just have to try and finish The Scarpetta Factor by Patricia Cornwall. Don't buy it. It's not that good. I am trying like heck to slog through it.

Also, if you are reading me....let me know! Let me know what you want to know more about....the kids? Sewing and quilting? Electronics? Books? I aim to please!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Wicked good!

Guess who got 6th row seats to Wicked for Christmas???? I did! I did! I am so excited to go and see the show. Ever since I read the book, I have wanted to go.

We celebrated Christmas with Grandma yesterday and the whole family got Wii Resort. Yahhoooo! It's so, so much fun! The sword fighting game is great for getting your aggression out and I might not be able to play basketball in real life, but I can sink those 3 pointers on Wii! Katie got Cook or Be Coooked for the Wii, but we haven't tried that yet.

And what holiday wouldn't be complete without a visit to the ER. We went to see my Grandmother yesterday and she couldn't even move without being in agony. So, we had to call 911 to get her into an ambulance and then to the hospital where they put her out in the hallway until 6:30 this morning! They finally admitted her after I got into a huge fight with my sister and the doctor. Family drama! My grandmother is going to be fine, but will be in pain for a while. I know the pain as I feel it in my own back and leg every single day.

The kids are off this week, but I am still going to try and post every day unless something drastic happens and we have to take someone to the hospital! LOL! Until then my good friends, I will talk with you all tomorrow...that is if there is anyone reading....

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Early New Years Decision!

I am going to try and update this blog daily if I have any readers left! I went back and looked at all the memories that I have created. I started this blog when Katie was 3 and have the best memories.

We had the best Christmas ever! Although I have to admit that I was really, really tired. I went to both Christmas eve services and barely made it through the 11:00 one. I really thought that the singing was going to uplift me and make me serene, but all I really wanted to do was lay down and go to sleep. I did go back to bed after the presents were opened. Gillian got a computer and Katie got her Nintendo DSi and both were very happy with their gifts. I got some great things from Femine Creations and some great gift cards. Cheryl also gave me a CD player that plays diretly from my IPhone. Oh, and just so you know....Katie got a wheelchair, casts and bandages for her American Girl doll. I wonder what is in store for the poor doll?

I think it's going to be a long week. The kids have nothing planned and I usually spend my days laying around and laying low. I will have to find some things for them to do.

So, this is the beginning. Can't promise that everyday will be interesting....but there will be something every day!