Sunday, July 02, 2006


Well, another week has gone by. The cast came off last week and I have been able to drive again. I started back to work and the world didn't come to an end. I have been just miserable to put it mildly. I have no idea what the problem is, but I wish that it would just go. My ability to deal with even the most mundane of life's expectations are trying.

It was suggested to me that I am a good writer. Actually, there have been several people who have told me this especially since my article was published in the local paper. Of course there have been no editors or publishers beating down my doors to give me money to write a book. But, I have been thinking of writing a book for a long time. I have tossed around subjects....from writing about being gay and going through infertility and then parenting. Maybe something non-fiction? Maybe something about the clinical work that I have done over the years? I have serious writers block though. SO, if anyone has any suggestions, lay them on me OK? If I take your idea and form it into a book, the book will be dedicated to you OK? Deal! OK readers....offer up your suggestions.


Laura said...

I don't have any ideas for you, but I would definitely read any book you wrote.

Kerry said...

How about taking the article you wrote and building on that? There are those of us including me who wrestle with religion and being a lesbian. They are not supposed to mesh according to the way most of us were raised. I beleive you can have both and be ok.