Saturday, November 17, 2007

The good with the bad.....

Hoooy Boy! It's been a week around here. Some good news....I managed to snag a pretty decent sewing machine from a fellow E. Side Mom (name of my MOMS group) for $10 so I can keep on sewing. Couple that with the GC to JoAnne's and a local quilt shop that I got for my birthday and I think I have just enough money to get what I need to finish the quilt for my Grandfather for Christmas and get the supplies I need to make Katie another twirl skirt out of the most delicious fabric that I have had hanging around forever. I am happy. Also on the happy note, on one of the boards I belong to, they do a Secret Santa like thing. I got to fill out a wish list of 5 things that I wanted and I also get to pick someone's list of 5 things they want! Well, one of the things that I wanted was a custom made Christmas outfit for Katie (since I had one for Gillian at around this age and had fab portraits done with it). Someone picked my wish list and granted this wish! I am over the moon. And I have had so much fun filling my wish listers wishes too! Can't wait to send it out!

On the bad end, our beloved cat Chaz is ending his time here on earth. We woke up to him being very weak and hardly able to walk this morning. After lots of tears and talking about death with Katie, Cheryl took him to the vet who agreed that he is in kidney failure and as a last stop measure, gave him a shot of something to jump start his kidneys and maybe save him for a few more months. We have to take him back on Wednesday, and we'll know if this is working. If not, well then you get the idea. Please say some prayers for our little kitty man Chaz. He is/was Cheryl's cat before she met me, but as all cats do, he's wormed his way into all of our hearts and it's heartbreaking to see him so weak and fragile. And it breaks my heart to see my wife so sad as well as my daughter. She is taking this hard. She keeps telling us that if Chaz dies we'll have to go out and get another yellow cat and name him Chaz. I guess that is her way of dealing with death eh?

So, the good with the bad. Winter has struck here full force. We woke up to about 3" of snow on the ground this morning. YUCK! We all know how much I love snow.

Talk with you all later....



Judy said...

Hope you're enjoying all that wonderful snow......(ducking and running)

Casey said...

Very cool Secret Santa thing! I'm sorry about your kitty - that is really, really hard. :(

momtothreeboys said...

I want snow! I miss the upstate snow!!! Winter isn't the same now that I'm wearing shorts!! By the way, I tagged you on my blog, see it for details.

Anonymous said...

I am so orry about your Kitty!! They become such a big part of our lives and even though we know it will happen one day - its one of the hardest things. HUGS.

Snow is a four letter word.