Thursday, February 11, 2010

Getting moving!

I am having a hard, hard time getting moving today. I should be packing and I can't seem to function. I am tired and sore. I am just plain tired. I am going to go and take Katie to Grandma's and then go and return some pants that are too big, hopefully to get a smaller size and then go and drop Katie's swim form (well I lost the original, but going there to hopefully get a new one) at the YMCA. Then I am going to go and get Gillian from school where we will take off to go and visit one of her friends that is in the hospital. She has the same health issues as Gillian, although her surgery wasn't as effective as Gillian's, so she was in for another surgery. Then back to get Katie and home for dinner and getting packed.

I really want to go to FL, but getting there seems BIG! Here is to some energy that I need to get going and get Katie and myself packed as well as over see Gillian's packing. Make sure that everything gets done.

And of course my prescriptions need to get filled the day that we are coming home. UGH! Right now, all I can think of is WHY ME????

1 comment:

felicia said...

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