Friday, June 13, 2008


Everything is fine, I have just been really, really busy with end of the school year stuff, ballet recitals, T-ball games and well just about everything else. I have some great pictures to download, a ton of stuff to e-bay and lots of sewing projects that are just waiting for me to finish them (or start them altogether). I always promised myself that I would never be one of those sewers with half finished projects and well, I am.

I am really having a hard time with Katie ending pre-K and heading off to Kindy next year. We were watching some baby shows together today and it struck me that this really was it. My soon to be 16 year old is going to be driving soon and my 5 year old is really going to kindy.

I am going on Monday to Colgate Rochester for the day to check it out. Not sure what will pan out of it. I have to try though. I have to do something. I for sure will volunteer at school, I will for sure be driving the 16 year old around. Or holding on white knuckled while she drives....

But, I have to do something for me. I really hope that SSD comes through soon. I can't stand living like this. Constantly worrying about money. Not being able to do anything extra. I mean we have enough to live, it's not dire or anything like that. But we just keep living without doing anything extra. And I shouldn't really complain because there are a lot of people who can't even make ends meet. But the pressure on Cheryl is immense, I feel guilty and is just keeps goign on and on.

Blah, enough of that. It's going to be a fun summer. We did splurge and get a park pass so I can take the girls to the beach. That's it....we'll become beach bums!



Judy said...

Half-finished projects? Ha, sounds like my housework! never get a chance to finish a job properly. Well, we can always say our houses are half-cleaned.....

Anonymous said...

i'm freaking out about kindergarten too!!!
someday this beast baby will exit me and i can start to enjoy my summer........
hugs to you